Sunday, July 26, 2020

Sunday Summary

This week, I got our 15.5 ft Pelican Colorado canoe river-worthy!  Years ago, my husband (boyfriend at the time) bought this boat, barely used, from a couple on Craigslist for $125.  It was a GREAT deal and since its purchase, it has been on adventures from the Manistee to the Maumee.  

The boat originally came with a center bench, which we decided we didn't want/need as it gave us less room for gear on multi-day paddle trips.  I had the seat removed and a yoke installed, which worked for some time.  However, we soon noticed that the canoe floor would bow upwards and displace the keelson on the floor of the canoe without said seat!  When loaded down with gear, this hasn't been a huge problem, but it turns out that it's a not a good idea to mess with the structural soundness of a boat that one is about to take on a 5-day, 4 night trip that involves 11 portages!

As such, I undid the damage done by ordering a new seat and structural support.  The install was straightforward, and now our boat is ready to go!

I also decided to add some custom vinyl decals to jazz the old girl up.  She may get a few more before our trip is underway!

Enjoy the significantly sped up process below!

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